Make-A-Wish Foundation


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Today, McKindree enjoys playing with fashion and hanging out with friends. But not so long ago, all she had time for were intense treatments and blood transfusions. When McKindree’s wish to go to London was granted, she got to feel like any regular teenager on an amazing adventure. And that experience changed her whole world.

Right before McKindree left for London, wish granters presented her with the first set of Make-A-Wish® wristbands, produced by Claire’s®, our new corporate sponsor.

Claire’s stores across the U.S. and Canada are now offering a Make-A-Wish wristband set and a special ear-piercing earring set. From now through June 30, 2014, Claire’s is donating half the purchase price of the wristbands and $5 from each earring set to Make-A-Wish, with a guaranteed minimum contribution of $200,000.

The Claire’s program turns your purchases into donations. And every donation helps wish kids replace fear and stress with hope and joy. When you wear a Make-A-Wish accessory, you’re showing your support for these amazing families who inspire us all.

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Make-A-Wish® accessories are now available!
Show your support for kids like McKindree with a special Make-A-Wish wristband or earring set.
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Make-A-Wish America
4742 North 24th Street, Suite 400
Phoenix, AZ 85016

© 2013 Make-A-Wish Foundation® of America. Make-A-Wish Foundation, Make-A-Wish, Adopt-A-Wish, Share the Power of a Wish and the Make-A-Wish swirl-and-star logo are the marks of the Make-A-Wish Foundation of America. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.